For sellers
Beathunterz doesn’t deal in beats which use the same samples as other, cheap or low-quality beats. We simply do not allow that to happen. When we promise exclusivity, we mean it.
If you use loops and samples, you must make them unrecognizable and therefore unique. Provided that you follow these guidelines, your beat can conceivably consist entirely of samples.
If you select exclusive samples, it means that you created/recorded the main sounds, melodies, theme, or samples yourself. For example, you recorded yourself playing guitar or a MIDI part on a virtual synthesizer.
Even if you have altered the royalty-free sample/loop, you must still select the royalty-free samples option and provide a link to the source of the sample and the name of the source file. Altering a royalty-free sample does not give you the right to publish the beat as made with exclusive samples.
If you recorded the vocal hook yourself, then select the Exclusive Vocal option when uploading the beat.

The melodic loop is used in an unaltered/original form. It is forbidden.

One-shot samples of guitar chords are used to build the melody. This is allowed, as the result is an original melody.

A melodic loop is taken to create an original melody. It is transposed two semitones up, the rhythm is completely redone, and some notes are reversed. Therefore it's a completely original melody and is allowed.

From the original musical loop, the beatmker only changed the order of the chords. This is minor processing and is prohibited.
Make your own decision that does not violate the conditions described above.
Frequently asked questions
- Am I allowed to use clippings, one-shots, or melodies, either from films, songs, YouTube videos, or similar sources?No, because the rights to such materials belong to other authors.
It is wrong to think that it will suddenly “work out.” It is illegal.
Such actions will lead you to being banned from Beathunterz. - What happens if I use a pre-made melody in unaltered form, or with minor processing? Is everything really that strict?Yes. The reputation of the Beathunterz platform is more important than profit lost from one producer.
Don't risk it!
Any more questions?
Get in touch with our support team today. We’ll reply as soon as we can.